Online Favorites and Awesome Finds

Online Favorites and Awesome Finds

Amazon is one of my go-to web resources when I am looking for a great deal on something or curious to see what new items have recently been released. From project essentials to finding handmade supplies that fit my business, it feels like there's something for everyone on Amazon. And by clicking the Amazon finds links I am sharing with you, I am able to keep this one woman business running and growing. Not only do I get the satisfaction of finding products that help bring convenience or joy into your life, but knowing that a little commission is being generated for my business gives me even more fulfillment.

Home Decor

8.5 x 11 in Picture Frames, set of 3 (for your new digital prints by me!)-

XL Ring Case, holds 50+ rings!- 

Mini Ring Case/ Jewelry box-


JBL pulse 4 Speaker-

Overhead Phone Holder/Recorder-

Wire Wrapping Tools

Bracelet Beading Board-

Nylon Jaw Pliers-

Bent Nose Pliers-

Round Nose Pliers (Fine)-

One-Step Looping Pliers-

Flat Nose Pliers-

Xuron Plier Set (I love this brand of pliers! most wire wrappers use Xuron & they finally have an affordable set!)-

Heavy Duty Cutters (for 18g and up)-

Chroma Pliers Set by Beadsmith-  (the cutters aren't great.)

Slim Line Pliers Set- (the cutters aren't great)

Cordless Dremel (for larger bits that don't fit in my nail drill)- 

Nail Drill-

Super Fine Tip Pliers-

Single End Ring Clamp-

Double End Ring Clamp-


 Nail Drill- (another one I used until I wanted to upgrade it. Lasted about 3 years!)

Makeup Brushes- (I use some of these as little brooms on my desk.)

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